2025 Rules and Umpire Clinic

Plate Work video
Adult Group

Plate Work Video
12, 13, and 14 Group

Plate Work Video
14 and 15 Group
Thank you for making the 2025 clinic successful!
Many thanks goes out to all of our instructors:
Nick Dillon
Mark Doody
Sam Gossett
Phil Fornabi
Bill DeMur
A big thank you to our event sponsors:
Big Y
Event is free and open to the public
Connecticut District 8 Little League is proud to host for the third year in a row the rules and umpire clinic. We making some slight changes to the format to this clinic, so please be sure to review the following information and follow this form. If you have any questions, please contact Nick Dillon (District 8 Umpire-In-Chief and Lead Instructor) via email at nick@ctdistrict8.com or 860-461-8525).
Date: Saturday, February 1, 2025
Location: Windsor Locks Town Hall
RULES (Session 1)
Session 1 Time: 9AM through 1PM
Session 1 Check In: 8:30AM
Session 2 Time: 2PM through 6PM
Session 2 Check In: 1:30PM
Session 1 - Deep Dive into the Little League Rule Book (Classroom Instruction)
Designed for umpires, managers, and coaches.
Overview of the Little League Rule Book (primarily the baseball rule book; however, there will be applications to the softball rule book as well).
Discussion of commons myths with Little League Baseball and Softball
Practical applications to real life examples
Junior participants (18 years of age or under) will receive a certificate of completion for four (4) volunteer service hours for session 1. Little League International is a non-profit and volunteer organization, as such, taking time out of your day to learn about rules, the certificate will be awarded.
Session 2 - Umpire Mechanics and Fundamentals: The Little League Way (Physical Mechanic Clinic)
Physical umpire mechanics clinic designed for those who have never umpire before to those have been doing it for years.
Participants will learn plate mechanics, basic six fundamentals, and base mechanics.
Small group instruction with trainers with video feedback for strike zone quality of call (QoC)
Junior participants (18 years of age or under) will receive a certificate of completion for four (4) volunteer service hours for session 2. Little League International is a non-profit and volunteer organization, as such, taking time out of your day to learn about rules, the certificate will be awarded.
Both session one and two are open to participants 12 years of age or older. Lunch will not be provided; however, we will have light refreshments and beverages for participants throughout the day. If you are staying for both sessions, please bring a bagged lunch or provide yourself time in-between sessions to get food.