District Staff

District 8 is comprised of highly motivated and dedicated volunteers who organize and facilitate all functions of the administrative aspects required by Little League International. We work hard to ensure that each participant is fully engaged with Little League and we want to ensure that each participant has a meaningful and positive experience. The current staff has over 100 years of experience working with Little League, from being parents with players involved, coaching/managing a team, being a league president, an umpire, or countless other possible volunteer positions within the organization.

District Administrator

Steve W.

Assistant District Administrator, 

Baseball Umpire in Chief, Webmaster & Treasurer

Nick D.

Assistant District Administrator & 

Cheif Safety Safety 

Jeff Z.

Assistant District Administrator & Past DA

Joe M.

District Secretary

Tara K.

Traveleing Site Director

Jeff S.

UIC Softball

Mark D.

Residency Rules Expert

Steve R.